Liver Ultra Sounds and Fibroscans Explained

Liver Ultra Sounds and Fibroscans Explained

Ultrasound scans of the liver

Ultrasound scans are very useful to detect changes in the liver. Damage to liver cells by fat, toxins or infections etc, causes inflammation, which can lead to hard scar tissue or fibrosis. A liver that has developed widespread fibrosis is firmer, and if the condition progresses to cirrhosis, the liver can become very hard. Detected early, fibrosis of the liver can in many cases be reversed.

It is important to remember the liver regenerates, a person can have half their liver removed and a new half will grow over six months, so for the many patients who have fibrosis which is scored from 1 to 4 there is a lot of hope, we only need 15% of our liver to work to live healthy long lives.  So ending alcohol, being fat and eating a healthy more green less fried or meaty diet and keeping a good weight are important.

Fibroscans of the liver

Are less common in Africa but basically do the same as Ultra Sounds they see the stiffness of the liver and measure it.

Fibrosis Chart below
Most Hepatitis B and C patients are measured from 1 to 4 for Fibrosis 
1 equals green
2 equals yellow/orange
3 equals light red
4 equals dark red
It is very important not to get sad or panic if the level is bad these are just scars being measured, we all have scars and do not worry about them! The key is whether our liver blood tests say our liver is functioning well and to then live a kinder to our liver life.  One of the writers of this website was deep red 14 years ago and is now yellow orange.
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