Get Involved

 Get Involved

There is a crying need for Africans to help Africans overcome Hepatitis B, together we can educate away this deadly peril.

Things you can do to help
  1. Make a list of any liver doctors in your locality or country, 
  2. Make a list of hospitals where proper care is available 
  3. Make a list of places where HBV tests are free or cheap
  4. Make a list of places where HBV vaccination is offered free or cheap
and email it to us at this small work will help move the mountain of HBV of our continent. 

Things we can change

  1. HBV and HCV are estimated to infect more than 60 million Africans and testing to find and save them is needed
  2. Million of Africans are still being infected annually, vaccinations are needed to protect everyone
  3. Hundreds of thousands die annually, approximately 2 people each minute due to ignorance. 
  4. About a quarter of African HBV and HCV patients will die from complications if we do not all act..

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