Hepatitis B Blood Tests Explained

Hepatitis B Blood Tests Explained

HBsAg Positive or Reactive 
You have got Hepatitis B but this is usually a low risk or inactive level of infection and often left untreated with anti viral's unless your liver tests are abnormal.  You will be advised to avoid alcohol, getting fat and certain medicines like paracetamol.

Anti-HBc IgM Positive or Reactive
You have a recent Hepatitis b Infection that your body is fighting.  This fight usually lasts 6 months.

Anti-HBc IgG Positive or Reactive
You have had Hepatitis B for longer than 6 months and the infection is now lasting or chronic.

Anti HBs Positive or Reactive
You had Hepatitis B in the past and have cleared it from your system and now have antibodies that keep you immune and safe from any future infection of Hepatitis B.  Or you have been immunised/vaccinated for Hepatitis B at some point.

HBeAb Positive or Reactive
You had Hepatitis B but cleared the part that makes the virus increase to very high amounts.  Most patients clear the HBeAg or e antigen part of Hepatitis B in the first 6 months, but some do not clear the HBsAg or surface antigen.

HBeAg Positive or Reactive      
You have got Hepatitis B and it is able to increase quickly in amount (often high risk yet quickly manageable with anti viral's such as Tenofovir)

HBV DNA (high) 
You have got Hepatitis B and it is high in amount (often high risk yet quickly manageable with anti viral's such as Tenofovir)

When a full set of tests are done it allows us to understand if we are Chronically or Acutely infected, whether the infection is active or inactive and whether we are immune to infection or susceptible to infection.

Hepatitis B Blood Test Chart

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