Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D

Hepatitis D is quite common in Africa and can only infect us if we already have Hepatitis B. Learning you are co-infected with hepatitis D can be scary and overwhelming. Knowing the basics can help you know where to start in managing these viruses.

Understand Your Diagnosis

Hepatitis D is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis delta virus (HDV). Only those already infected with hepatitis B can acquire HDV because it is dependent on the hepatitis B virus to reproduce. Co-infection (infection with HDV and hepatitis B at the same time) can cause a more serious situation than a hepatitis B infection alone.

The hepatitis D virus is transmitted by infected blood and body fluids through direct exposure to blood and unprotected sex. It is very important to find a knowledgeable doctor who can provide the best medical care and treatment to ensure that you live a long, healthy life.

Prevent the Spread to Others

Hepatitis D can be transmitted to others through infected blood and bodily fluids. Make sure that your loved ones receive the hepatitis B vaccine to protect them from being infected with hepatitis D. 

Seek Support

Please feel free to email the Hepatitis B Foundation at info@hepb.org for more information. 

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